Where passionate people build and grow good brands.
Undernamu is a global design consulting and growth agency, based in South Korea.
because the world needs good brands more than ever
Sustainable brands are good for the people and the planet. We exist to help good brands reach audiences, create values, and grow sustainably.
The missing piece of your dream team
Our lean and enthusiastic team of strategists, marketers, and designers can be a skilled and flexible workforce that helps accelerate your brand growth.
The proven Design Thinking process
From understanding customer needs to design and delivery, businesses can benefit from a systematic problem-solving approach that blends right-brain creative thinking with left-brain analytical thinking.

The services you need for your brand growth
Research & Strategy
Insights that answer key business questions and inform decisions
Pitch Deck Service Storytelling and presentation that move people and close deals
Pitch Deck Service
Storytelling and presentation that move people and close deals
Digital Implementation
A technical foundation that scales up businesses
Content Marketing Content that grows brand awareness, trust, and loyalty
Content Marketing
Content that grows brand awareness, trust, and loyalty
Gain insights and expand your horizons
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프레시서비스로 IT 서비스 관리를 최적화하세요
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