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6 Steps to Create a Great Brand Name
by Jin on Aug 16, 2022 8:30:00 AM
- 6 Features of Great Brand Name
- Proper Brand Naming Method
- Additional Considerations
Every enterprise builds many strategies and plans at the start of the business. They think about how they can become a memorable brand and how they can differentiate themselves from other brands. Therefore, the first thing you need to consider when you make a brand is to create a brand name that is easy to remember. Then, how should you name the brand?
1. 6 Features of Great Brand Name
1) Brand Description
A brand name allows potential customers to recognize the brand in a short time. Therefore, it is good to consider brand names with explanations when naming brands. In order to reflect the description of the brand, it is necessary to organize what the brand does and how it is done in a few words. And then condense it into essential words or phrases to see what it feels like.
2) Brand Mission & Value Reflection
The brand name is an element that can deliver more than a brand logo. Brand names make it easy to convey not only what a brand does, but also its goals and values, and why it pursues them.
3) Understanding the Prospect
You can also name a brand in relation to a search word of business. If you use a brand name that is highly relevant to your industry, you can gain a competitive edge in the search engine of important keywords.
4) Simplicity
A simple brand name makes it easier for prospects to remember and recognize a brand. It's easier to remember if you make the spelling or pronunciation of the brand name simple.
5) Wit
Brand names that are named using puns can make customers laugh. And getting a witty name instead of a serious name to get into the head of a potential customer is also a way to boost brand awareness.
6) Exposing Brand Value to Customers
One of the marketing tips is to position your business as a problem solver rather than a product seller. So, by reflecting the value in the brand name, you can reveal the value that your prospects are getting.2. Proper Brand Naming Method
1) Understanding of Business
Before deciding on a brand name, you must have clear ideas about the brand's mission, goals, targets, and value propositions. Therefore, before naming, you must be able to answer the following questions:
- What does the company mean?
- What products/services do you sell?
- Who is the target customer?
2) Selecting Brand Description Keywords
If you understand the core of the brand, it's time to brainstorm keywords that describe the brand. By using several descriptions of your brand, you can make the public aware of the brand and solidify the brand image you want. For instance, when you start a photography business, words like 'camera, snap, photograph, capture, lens' are a good starting point for brand naming because you can intuitively see what kind of business it is.
3) Selecting Brand Name Style
How should you name a brand creatively? We could use brand-related keywords. You can think of brand names using various elements related to the brand.
- Name of CEO
- Use one word
- Change, add, and remove characters from keywords
- A combination of two words
- A metaphorical expression
- An abbreviation
4) Setting Missions and Value Propositions
What is its brand name telling consumers? After deciding on an idea, it's also essential to understand the feelings and thoughts you feel through the name. If the name does not match the brand or company's mission and value proposition, it may be smarter in the long run to find a better name for the company and product.
5) Verify the Trademark Right Registration
Now that you have decided on a brand name, you should make sure that the name is registered as a trademark. You can search for potential business names in the Korean Intellectual Property Rights Information Service ’Keeperless’ to see existing trademarks in Korea. If the brand name you want to do is registered as a trademark, you cannot use that name, so you need to check it properly before starting your business.
6) Check Other Industries in Use
Just because a brand name is not a registered trademark doesn't mean it's not being used in other industries. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that it is not being used in other industries. Google the name you want for a brand name. Use this process to understand the status of existing brands with similar names. The reason for this is that proper brand names can prevent legal issues and avoid confusion with other brands.
3. Additional Considerations
1) SEO
Good brand names can lead to potential customers. Therefore, consideration should be given to how well brand names can be exposed in the search engine. You can evaluate how much your brand is exposed through the following three points:
- Search Volume
One way is to specify a brand name based on keywords with high search frequency. For example, if you have chosen a brand name called '24/7 Fitness', this name can be exposed to anyone who searches for the business name or visits a 24/7 gym.
- Authority
While plenty of searches are important, we recommend that you avoid competing names on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). For example, suppose you chose the name of a new restaurant called ‘five-star restaurant’. SERP for this keyword has too much relevant information, including restaurant reviews and local newspaper columns. In this case, you do not have sufficient authority to compete, so it is not easy to find the restaurant even if the prospect is actively looking for information.
- Intentions
Google provides the content to users based on what they want to find. Therefore, when deciding on a brand name, ensure it matches your search intentions. For example, let's say we named the tax-related company 'Maximize Refund, Inc.' Searching for 'maximizing tax refunds' is likely not a business but an individual user looking for a way to get their taxes back. Therefore, it may not be a good company name for B2B.
You can combine Google Direct Search with SEO tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush to evaluate brand names based on three considerations.
2) .com Domain Name
You can check the availability of domain names by searching through domain registrars such as GoDaddy or Namecheap. If the domain name of .com is not available or is a financial burden, you can choose another name or a different top-level domain (TLD).
Brand names play a big part in making the brand easily recognized and memorable to the public. Therefore, deciding the brand name is the starting point of branding. It's important to have a simple and witty naming that reveals the brand's goals and values. If you have already named a brand, you can start with a new brand name with the process of rebranding.
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